
Characteristics of true love (iv)

This post will be short and direct, one important characteristics of true love is that it is not materialistic. This is because it will be almost impossible to be in true love and still pursue material things. Material things I mean the luxuries of this world which will surely consume time and energy. Are you flowing with me? When you are in true love, both of you will definitely spend time doing things together and one way to make money is by spending time doing that thing that gives you money. When you spend your quality time pursuing money and wealth, you will not have enough time to spend with your partner. In relationship advice I preach only true love and how to attain it. True lovers in relationship spends more time with each pursuing things that can make their love and relationship grow stronger than pursuing material things which can consume their time.

To avoid not spending quality time with each other, the lovers are always not materialistic, they are never touched by expensive life style but prefer to live a very simple live. The love of money has distorted the flow of true love, it has led some ladies who claim to be in love to start cheating and has also led some men to do the same as well. In order to meet with the standard in the world, lovers who pursue wealth may end up breaking apart any time, even if they were happily married with kids.
If true lovers are living in one room apartment, they will never be worried at all; you will see happiness in them even more. If they hardly eat three times a day, they will prefer to die together of hunger. In summary, true lovers are not lovers of wealth and riches because one cannot do two things at the same time. This does not mean that true lovers are not rich or wealthy but it is very hard to combine the two, one will definitely suffer for the other. What are you in- in love or in true love? to help solve this problem, please the two lovers can do the same thing such as work together and pursue one vision. the stress of this modern life is killing the fun in true love and relationship. I hope my true love advice was helpful, why not share it?


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