
When a man is cheating

These are some of the major characters displayed by a cheating male partner. Some of the male cheats are so smart that it may be difficult for you to find out but the list I will share with you will definitely be displayed by him. I decided to point these out because many ladies are emailing me to ask how to know if he is cheating on me;
If he comes back late
If he starts with lots of explanations

If he is always giving excuses
If he starts having privacy
If he starts using perfume frequently
If he starts admiring you less
If he stops looking straight into your eyes
If his cell phone is always going off
If he starts forgetting his cell phone in the office or at home
If he starts being so careful
If he is always convincing you whenever he does wrong
If he start showing less jealousy
If he is always tired
Now, the above are some of the signs of a cheating love male partner. These are displayed by the very smart types and it may take you so long to take notice of some of them because they look normal. Be wise and use your eyes to see very well, before another woman starches him away from you!! In love relationship, you must be very wise and use your 5 senses, Drlove has spoken!
Can you see with your two eyes? If you are sure you can see with both eyes, why not click on the face book and twitter icon to share this post with your friends? Will love to hear from you @ thanks and cheers!!
don't forget to read these;



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