
10 Meaning of When a man says you’re sexy!

How Sexy are You?

When a man says you’re sexy, what does it mean? I have come to realize that most ladies accept: “you’re sexy” as a wonderful and great compliment but that is not true. When a man says you’re sexy implies that you are nothing but an instrument of sex for him. He already sees you as something for sexual fun and may never do anything serious with you.

Because some ladies want to be told that they are looking sexy, they have decided to go naked by intentionally buying cloths that deliberately showcase their sexual and seductive parts. It’s too bad. When a man tells you that you’re sexy, the following are the 10 meanings of that statement:

1: You’re a sex toy for him

2: He will use and dumb you when he is tired

3: He thought of sex immediately he saw you

4: He will never have anything serious with you (Read up: Signs your man is tired of the Relationship)

5: He will never respect you (Read up: How to Gain Respect from your man)

6: He sees you as a slot

7: He will hardly think of getting married to you except you use spell on him (Read up: Do you want him to propose?)

8: He is heavily infatuated about you (Read up: Differences between infatuation and True Love)

9: You’re been use by other men and he thinks he should join the men using you sexually

10: Sex with you would be great and fun so, he wants to try out some

Well, you have seen the most likely implications of that statements; “you are sexy”. I hope you have a change of mindset towards fashion from today. Don’t go crazy because you want to look hot. Please, help promote this site by clicking the facebook LIKE button, Share the post and Comment.


2 Responses to “10 Meaning of When a man says you’re sexy!”

Sheree said...
30 August 2013 at 09:03

Wow!! I have always frawned at guys who tell me I look sexy! Personally, I think some men naturally use this statement to show sincere compliment for a lady's outfit but it doesn't change the fact! Like your blog Kingsley

Unknown said...
30 August 2013 at 09:22

Thanks Sheree for your comments. I notice you do comment here. Thanks once again. I strongly agree with your opinion.

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