
Children of Mothers Who Smoked While Pregnant Have Smaller Brains, Says Study

It's a well-established fact that smoking is terrible for your health, but smoking when you're pregnant is just about the worst thing you can do for your baby. Puffing at cigs while baking a bun in your oven causes a whole slew of problems (including increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight), and a new study found that mothers who smoke while pregnant are also more likely to have children with emotional problems.

Researches in the Netherlands checked out the brain scans and emotional well-being of 113 6-year-old kids whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, and 113 6-year-olds who weren't exposed to tobacco at all. Low and behold, the children with smoking mothers had smaller brains and more emotional issues — including depression and anxiety!
Luckily, most women are pretty well-educated about the dangers of smoking while pregnant, but this study is one more reason to quit the habit for good. Cigarettes are beyond terrible for you, and it's hard to imagine why anyone would risk their child's emotional happiness for the sake of a few puffs!
source: Livescience


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