SEX in relationships
Thursday by Unknown
Sex is very popular these days and has caused problems in many relationships. It has also increased the fun in many relationships as well. So, how can sex issue be handled in relationships? Well, before I move on to how to handle the problem of sex in relationship especially relationships before marriage, I will like to highlight some issues that many people experience as a result of sex in relationship: it's really a big case.
Many ladies are always confuse when it comes to ascertaining if they are loved by the man they are going out with because of the constant demand for sex by the man. I have to tell you that love is an emotional thing and that a man asked you for sex the first week he met you does not proof that he is just after sex all the way and at the same time does not proof that he loves you as well.
Look, many ladies have lost potential true love simply because they are afraid of giving out sex to their partner, most of them uses the statement, “if he loves me, he should wait till we are married” or they say, “if he loves me, he should wait till I'm ready”. These statements are made out of ignorance and selfishness! Before you embark on any love relationship, you must first understand the person; this is why I recommend that love relationship should first start with true friendship.
Some guys who may love you dearly may have sex freak problem. They are easily on the mood, they may desire only you to satisfy them sexually, that does not make him gold digger neither does it make him a real lover. What I'm emphasizing is that ladies in this category should try to understand their men first. They should then find a useful means to relief them of the sexual urge which is normal for most men.
Saying that a man must comply to wait until you are ready for sex is selfishness and saying that a lady must have sex with you is also selfishness. The best thing to do is to communicate effectively with each other. Now, that she refused to give you sex does not mean she does not love you or she does either. I must emphasize here that SEX is not a true test of love, it is just a means of satisfaction (find out how to find true love).
Sexual reactions differs from individual to individual. There are better ways to test the rate of your partner's love on you such as emotional connections between both of you, eye communication, commitment, faithfulness, sacrifice and so on. So, don't make the mistake of judging him or her base on SEX.
If your partner passes all the tests I mentioned above then, he is qualified to be satisfied sexually if he demands for it, that is for those who don't have anything against sex before marriage.
If your belief is against sex before marriage, then, you shouldn't punish your partner by insisting he or she waits for you till marriage by force but rather other means should be applied to make him or her feel satisfied and then wait.
I highly recommend that you enter into serious relationship with some one with the same sexual urge rate like you. This will help to reduce the problem sex has caused in relationships. My next post will be ways to know if a person loves you or truly loves you. Tags: relationship and sex advice