How to build intimacy in your love relationship
One mistake people make in their quest for love is bringing religious sentiments into love relationship. Intimacy is a must for any love relationship and there is nothing you can do to change that except you want friendship and not love relationship.
Do you know that friendship lacks intimacy? If you get married to a partner you didn't build intimacy with, you will never enjoy that marriage. That's why many married partners are shy to each other: they want some sexual adventure but may not be able to ask their partner because their relationship before marriage lacked intimacy, meaning that they had friendship and not love relationship.
There are different types of relationships. What Drlove write about is love relationship: a type of relationship that has romance as one of its characteristics. Friendship and love relationship are not the same. Also, platonic relationship and love relationship are not the same. What are you in? You have to find out yourself.
Now, not every love relationship involves sex. In fact, sex is not a must in any relationship. Sex is not qualifier of true love (read qualities of true love) but there is something I know that is a must for any love relationship: that is intimacy. For any love relationship to lead to any meaningful end, it must involve intimacy.
Intimacy must not come through sex. This is because you can pay for sex and get it instantly (though, sex helps to bond people together especially those who sincerely love each other). Please, don't get me wrong.
It's left for you and your partner to determine if sex is needed in your love relationship but Drlove has stated it before that he does not have a public stand on sex in relationship. This is because this blog receives readers from different part of the world with different cultural and religious belief.
There are important and unavoidable means of building intimacy between you and your partner: in fact, no love relationship can survive without these. No matter what your religious belief is, you can't engage in any love relationship without these. You may be able to engage in a love relationship without sex but not without these passionate and unavoidable part of love relationship. Take or leave it dear reader, intimacy is a must for any love relationship.
Here are the unavoidable means of building intimacy in your love relationship
1. Passionate kissing
2. Spending time together
3. Romantic love texts
4. Romantic love poems
5. Playing together
6. Cooking for each other
7. Sleeping on the same bed
8. Holding each other tight
9. Passionate hugging
10. Swimming together
11. Caress
12. Quiet time together
13. Constant assurance and promise of love
14. Bathing together (well, not everyone can do this without having sex but if you can, having bath together is a wonderful way of building intimacy)
Finally, you can also help build intimacy between you and your partner through public declaration of your love for each other and keeping to it. For instance, if you both are on facebook, you both can always declare your love constantly on each others wall. If you don't make the love you have for your partner public then, there is the higher possibility of killing the intimacy in the love relationship.
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