How to build a sustainable relationship: maintaining love
Wednesday by Unknown
Relationship is wonderful when true love is involved. Many relationships have failed simply because the partners don't really know the true meaning of love. Relationship is all about love, it is all about intimacy, about connection and the desire to satisfy each other both emotionally and physically. If you really want to have a successful relationship, I advise you to read 5 secrets to successful relationship. In this post, Drlove will share with you passionately on how to build a sustainable relationship. First, what is sustainable relationship?
A sustainable relationship is that type of relationship that is able to be maintained. What are you maintaining in a relationship? Simply, you are maintaining love. Your relationship may be great, it may be fun, may be the desire of everyone around you but once you and your partner fails to maintain the love, the love will definitely fade out!! Once love fades out in your relationship, your relationship is dead!!!!
It does not mean that you and your partner does love each other but due to the fact that the love was not maintained/sustained, the relationship collapses. Love is like a green grass that must be watered, cut, treated and nurtured. You can't have that relationship of your dream without making efforts to always sustain the love.
The bottom line is sustaining the love between you and your partner right? But now, how do you sustain love in your relationship?
You can only sustain love in your relationship through compromise. Believe me, there are no two ways about it. Look, no two persons are the same in this life but with the help of compromise, people tend to act alike. Lack of equal compromise can turn a love relationship to an ordinary friendship. True love is all about sacrifice but in a relationship where the highest point of sacrifice comes from one of the partners, that relationship will definitely crash!!
You and your partner need to share equal sacrifice or at least almost equal rate of sacrifice: that is what compromise is all about and that is the best way to sustain love in your relationship. In my next post, I will shade more light on Compromising in your relationship and share with you about a relationship I know very well that is about to collapse due to lack of compromise. Hope you derived something positive from this post: how to build a sustainable relationship.
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