
Facts about Relationship part2

Sometimes ago, I wrote a post titled facts about relationship you must know and it really received good readership. It is important we humans understand that there are certain facts about relationship so that when we are in love relationship and we experience these facts, we shouldn’t feel bad or feel too good. These facts about relationship definitely will occur as the time goes on in your relationship. It is better we expect these things so that we don’t make the mistake of concluding easily. Below are some facts about relationship:

1. No smooth ride in any love relationship: You have to understand that no love story ever went on completely smooth. Just bear it in mind that when things turn bad, be ready to stick with your partner. Always have hope of a happy end. Breaking up is not always the best option. 

2. You will surely get hurts: Don’t feel so bad each time you get hurts while in relationship. Getting hurts is part of love stories. You just can’t be pleased all the time with your partner. He/she will surely get you hurt even multiple times. Enduring such moments of hurts makes it an interesting love story.

3.  People will talk: Yeah…some people will have interest in your relationship and they will talk up to the point of pulling you down. Some will have the motive of separating you from your partner; some will offer advice that is not good or healthy for you. In all these scenarios, just remember that people will surely talk even if everything goes on fine.

If you have this idea at the back of your mind, you will resist taking decisions as a result of their gossips.

4. Boring and Tiring moments: Definitely, there are moments you or your partner will feel so bored about the relationship and even tired and may desire to quit or end the relationship. This is not a bad moment because from the way we were made or structured, we love and appreciated adventure, new things and experiences. This is why sticking with just a partner for a very long time will bore or even make us tired.

But bear it in mind that these moments will surely come and go. And whenever these moments come, try and find ideas that can spice up your relationship or seek for ideas that can add fun again in your relationship.

Please, it doesn’t mean you both are falling out of love (read signs you are falling out of love). I can remember one well known woman of God sharing with me that there were times she felt so bored and tired of her marriage that she wanted to quit but thank God she didn’t. She is happy for it today.

5. Moments of Big Temptations: There are moments of heavy and big temptations. It could come from either of you or from your relatives or friends. Which ever direction it comes from, just bear in mind that it is trier times and will surely come and go. It will be nice if you can pass the tests of relationship. Remember that after each temptation, you come out stronger in your relationship and better experienced.

I hope these facts about relationship part 2 are well written. You can email me or comment about this post and others you have read so far. Please, the purpose of these facts about relationship is to help equip you and your partner with the necessary ideas that can help you sustain your relationships when these facts starts happening.


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