
How To Know If Your Boyfriend is a Gay

Story written by Christinamonty
Story source: College Candy
Contrary to popular belief, ignorance is not always bliss.  This is especially true when it comes to pregnancy scares, genital warts, and gay boyfriends.  No one wants to be that girl insisting that her boyfriend is straight every time he orders an apple martini from the bar or the friend everybody is whispering about because her boyfriend has more sparkle and pizzazz than Richard Simmons. Now, most girls are pretty good at spotting the needle in a heterosexual haystack, but if you are one of the unfortunate girls that mother nature forgot to grant an amazing gaydar to, don’t fret. Here are a few ways you can tell if your new boo likes the same thing as you do.
He Wears a Pink Shirt on Wednesdays

1. Don't buy into this whole men can wear pink too phase. There are hundreds of colors and shades to pick from and your man chooses bubble gum pink? You have a problem. 2. If he is only wearing pink on Wednesdays, not only has he seen Mean Girls, but he lives by it. You should probably dump him and make him your bestie.

2Homophobe of the Year  

If just the mere sight of a gay person sends your beau into a rage of Chris Brown like proportion, he's probably gay. Men who reside in the closet tend to be enraged by people who are brave enough to come out. Even if he's not gay, you should let this guy go. You can't live in 2013 and date a homophobe.

3: Over Cryer

There's nothing wrong with a man crying every now and then, but if your boyfriend uses any and everything as a reason to bring out his Farrah from Teen Mom cry face then you should probably reevaluate your relationship. You should not have to carry around a box of Kleenex for your boyfriends impromptu breakdowns. Image Via

4: Fashionable Gay Men

If your boyfriend's compliments focus more on your clothes than the body underneath them then he may be a little less heterosexual than you originally thought. Straight men are simple. If he knows the difference between eggshell, off-white, and cream then you might be in trouble

5: Thor

He enjoyed Thor. If you've seen this movie, you know how bad it was. I mean, literally, there was no plot. The only reason any self respecting person would actually enjoy this movie is because Chris Hemsworth is in it. So, if Thor is your boyfriend's go to movie, it aint because of the plot twists and thrilling ending.

6: Gymrat

If your boyfriend is constantly going to the gym but never comes out sweaty, he's not going there for the weights. As girls everywhere know, the gym is one of the only places you can stare at half naked, sweaty men and no one will call the cops. Surprise your boyfriend at the gym every once in a while and see if he's checking out the bikes or the biceps.

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