
How to fall in love again

Greetings my wonderful reader, hope you're doing great. Today, I will like to teach you how you can easily fall in love again even after a catastrophic heart break. I have met many people who confide in me that they just aren’t going to try loving again…Their major reason is simply because someone they trusted so much broke their heart but the truth is that you can learn to fall in love again and even love right and be happy after. It is all about your mind set. Below are tips on how you can easily fall in love again:
1. Understand the facts about love and relationship
There was a post I did sometimes in the past and I titled it facts about relationship which you must know. It is a must read post. I made it clear that love does not last forever. It is important you understand that the relationship you found yourself had no tag of lasting forever. Once you clear your mind on this, you can begin to apply the next tip. Which is:

2. Getting over your ex..
It is very important you get over your ex…wait a minute, you may be arguing with me that you don’t have your ex at heart anymore…no way, if you are finding it difficult to fall in love again because of a major heart break then, you are yet to get over your ex. As long as your ex is still right inside your heart, you will never find love or fall in love again. Read How to get over your ex !!

3. Forgiveness
Forgiveness comes in two forms. The first one is forgiving yourself and the second one is forgiving that person that matters (it may be your ex and sometimes some people who offended you). Sometimes we just can’t believe we did all that nasty things in our past relationship(s), or we just can’t believe we could be that free, cheap, selfless etc with that special person and as a result, we find it difficult to forgive our self. Hay, you have to forgive yourself. Remember, you are not the first person to have done those things and you will never be the last so forgive yourself and feel free inside.

The next step is forgiving others. It is very important you learn to forgive and forget. Develop such mentality of easily forgiving others too. I do that and I strongly believe it is healthy too. Forgiveness tends to attract love to your life. (Read How to forgive your partner and How to ask your partner for forgiveness)

4. Find out why the heart break(s)

Finding the real causes of your previous failed relationship is very important than any other thing. If you don’t find out the real causes, you may continually fall a victim of heart break which may strongly prevent you from falling in love again.

5. Open your heart to take risks
Okay, lets be straight, there is no way you can find that special one by sitting in your room all day long, or by staying in office all day long. May be your case is that about hating or disliking anything opposite sex. You aren’t doing yourself any good at all by doing so. You should be ready to take risks. Remember that love is a risk and life is also a risk and if you don’t take risks, you may never meet someone special. I strongly recommend that if you are not in a relationship, try and move out to meet people but before you do that, read how to find your perfect match and how to find true love. These two posts are very important because I extensively spoke about finding what matches you. Stop being afraid of heartbreak, it will never help you. Remember, love is a birth right.

5. Search yourself
Seriously, there is the need to apply the principle of: “man know thy self”. Find out who you are and where you are heading to, find out what constitutes you, your believe system, your ideology, you concepts, you likes and dislikes, etc. Just everything about you. From finding out very important things about yourself, you may be motivated to open your heart to fall in love again. (Read why you aren't finding true love)

I hope this post was helpful…I hope you can fall in love again. How to fall in love again is still part of True Love blog’s posts, kindly comment, LIKE, and share this post in order to help promote it. Thanks for reading. remember, no matter the number of times you have been heart broken, it can be fixed by you falling in love again.


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